Effect of toothpaste containing Zanthoxylum nitidum extract on simple gingivitis in fixed orthodontic treatment 含中药两面针提取液牙膏治疗固定正畸牙龈炎的临床研究
RESULTS: The factors most related to the simple gingivitis in turn were the favorable food, methods of brushing teeth, oral pH, times of brushing teeth. 结果:按其影响单纯性牙龈炎的作用大小依次为饮食习惯、刷牙方法、口腔pH值、刷牙次数。
The Clinical Observation of Kanamycin on Simple Gingivitis 硫酸卡那霉素治疗单纯性龈炎的临床观察
CONCLUSION 0.1% cetylpyridinium chloride is effective in the inhibition of dental plaque formation in patients with simple gingivitis and can reduce the severity of simple gingivitis. 结论使用0.1%西吡氯铵含漱能抑制牙菌斑的形成,减轻牙龈炎的症状。
Conclusion: 0.1% cetylpyridinium chloride is effective in the inhibition of dental plague formation in patients with simple gingivitis. 结论:0.1%西吡氯铵含漱液可预防单纯性牙龈炎患者牙菌斑的形成。
Objective: To observe the effects of mouth rinse containing 0.1% cetylpyridinium chloride in the inhibition of dental plague formation in patients with simple gingivitis. 目的:目的:观察0.1%西吡氯铵含漱液对单纯性牙龈炎患者牙菌斑形成的抑制作用。
The type ⅱ pre-diabetic patients suffering from higher level gingival inflammation of than the simple gingivitis, so we should pay more attention to the daily plaque control to prevent periodontitis to occur. 2. (见表6,7,8)结论1.Ⅱ型糖尿病前期牙龈炎患者在临床上牙龈炎症程度要高于单纯牙龈炎患者,应更加注意日常的菌斑控制,预防牙周炎的发生。
Compared to the simple gingivitis, the kinds and amount of periodontal pathogens of type ⅱ pre-diabetes has not changed significantly, but this does not exclude the development of Pg, Aa become the dominant bacteria and continue to lead to periodontitis. 3. 与单纯牙龈炎相比,Ⅱ型糖尿病前期牙龈炎其牙周可疑致病菌的种类和数量尚未发生明显改变,但是不排除Pg、Aa等菌发展为优势菌继续导致牙周炎发生的可能。